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Lunch at the Ranch (LatR)

During Lunch at the Ranch, our focus is on nutrition as students are led through the ranch to collect fresh ingredients for a healthy lunch that students cook for themselves in our commercial kitchen.  This program is ideal for older students or classes who have visited the ranch previously and would like to return for a different experience.

Class showcasing their freshly harvested produce.
Class showcasing their freshly harvested produce.

Students create healthy pizzas for Lunch at the Ranch
Students create healthy pizzas for Lunch at the Ranch

Throughout the Lunch at the Ranch program, students learn the importance of eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet.  They learn how their food is grown and processed, practice proper hand washing, and are taught safe food handling and preparation practices. Lunch at the Ranch students will walk up to visit the upper ranch to learn about animal feed, harvest produce from our gardens, and collect eggs from our Chicken Coop.

Making healthy pizzas with produce from our gardens.
Making healthy pizzas with produce from our gardens.

Then back on the lower ranch, our staff and adult chaperones will assist students with washing, peeling and cutting vegetables, reading and following directions in a recipe, and measuring ingredients while preparing a main dish, salad, dessert, and beverage.

This is an ideal program for classes who may have visited the ranch previously and would like to return for a different experience. 

The Lunch at the Ranch program is limited to 15-30 students per day and is designed for students in 2nd grade or above. One adult chaperone for every group of 6 students is required.  No more, no less. This program runs from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, unless otherwise arranged. Reservations are required and no scholarships are available for Lunch at the Ranch at this time.

Students learn how to create healthy, balanced meals during the program
Students learn how to create healthy, balanced meals during the program

Cancellation Policy

At Elkus Ranch we believe that there is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing. We do not cancel programs for weather related issues unless there is a safety concern.

If you decide to cancel a field trip scheduled with us, please do so as early as possible. We are usually fully booked during field trip season (September-November and February-June). If you cancel, please tell us at least two weeks in advance so we can schedule another class waiting for a spot. 

If you need to cancel, please call our office at (650) 712-3151 to leave a message or email us at elkusranch@ucanr.edu